AI solution

3 important trends in AI/ML you might be missing

Source: venturebeat According to a Gartner survey, 48% of global CIOs will deploy AI by the end of 2020. However, despite all the optimism around AI and ML, I continue to be a little sceptical. In the near future, I don’t foresee any real inventions that will lead to seismic shifts in productivity and the

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AI solution

Data Science Trends in 2020

Source: dataversity The exponential growth of data, partly generated by sensor-driven devices, is making Data Science and machine learning (ML) market differentiators in global business-analytics solutions. With the rising demand in Data Science and ML skills, 2020 may well be a witness to several new trends in the field. According to IDC: “[I]f our digital universe or

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IOT Services

Internet of Things (IoT) & Its Impact On App Development

Source: mobileappdaily IoT impact on app development has led to over 90 per cent of return on IoT investments Internet of Things in today’s world is taking the meaning of connectivity to a whole new level. And this includes the integration of IoT in various industry verticals, one of them being app development. So if

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